Facebook posting including 2 promo videos to your business page.
Every day for a minimum of 3 months!
Only $99 a month (payable in full upfront). Regular price is $447/month!
Feel free to call us at (785) 212-0945 or fill out the form below if you're interested in this awesome promotion!
*Offer valid for a minimum of 3 months of daily posting to your Facebook business page along with two 45-60 second promotional and/or
educational videos per month (6 total) for $99.00 a month ($297). Not valid for customers currently subscribed to a social media
marketing plan with us. Balance must be paid in full, upfront. Not valid with any other offer. Expires 08/31/2022.
educational videos per month (6 total) for $99.00 a month ($297). Not valid for customers currently subscribed to a social media
marketing plan with us. Balance must be paid in full, upfront. Not valid with any other offer. Expires 08/31/2022.